Sunday, February 26, 2017

Back in the sewing room.

Hello Everyone,
Hoping this post finds you all happy and well.
After getting back on here I then had to leave again as hubby went back to hospital .He has been in for 3 weeks this time doing inpatient rehabilitation getting him walking again and gaining strength..
So I am getting a little sewing done. Yeah !! Also starting back to my weekly sewing group of friends on a  Tuesday.  Finally starting to get back to normal, It's been a long time.

Started putting the blocks together for Chaos in the Courthouse, It is made like a Log Cabin block and half a Courthouse Steps block.

It takes me longer sorting the colours than piecing them together.

I have sorted 9 blocks and have 21 to sew .

One thing the last year has taught me ,I never take each day for granted anymore.

Plenty to do now getting my wool and project sorted for winter .

Nearly Autumn and will be glad of some cooler weather.
Happy sewing week .
Jen xx


Radka said...

Good to see you back here :-)
I love the fabrics you are using!

Jeanneke said...

I, as a cancer survivor since 2010, am with you, Jen; never taking any new day for granted anymore.
Life is a gift, a blessing and I hope you & your husband may be celebrating and enjoying it together for many years to come.
Love and blessings from The Netherlands, where hope is for Spring soon to arrive!

margaret said...

Trust the rehab is going well for your DH and he will soon be home again able to do more.
Liking this quilt looks complicated and very effective

Jo said...

Hang in there. I know the feeling. Happy stitching

Susana Laurencia said...

Awesome blog, i always enjoy & read the post you are sharing!
Thank for your very good article...!
