Wednesday, February 1, 2017

A new project on the way.

Hello Everyone,
Today enjoyed a beautiful cool summer day after sweltering yesterday in 43C heat. Fortunately stayed in the air conditioning at my sewing class group and at home. There is more hot days to come though!!
I took along a new project to start and was sorting my blocks and colours .

 Lee from class has  been busy creating some beautiful applique on her quilt.

Val has finished the top of her quilt .It is lovely showcasing the beautiful selection of fabric.
Their accomplishments are always impressive.  So much passion for their craft.

I had a family birthday and my big grandsons came with a Freddo Frog ice cream cake. It was really nice after dinner.

A friend Cheryl made this lovely Birthday card for me.

I decided not to count any more birthdays.  This is what I have decided. haha.

Some of our Australian wildlife trying to cool of in the heat.

Thank you for calling in .
Happy sewing.
Jen xx


barbara woods said...

Hi Jen, love your choice of fabrics

margaret said...

belated happy birthday the cake looks delicious. So admire stitchers who do applique wonderful. How good to go for a walk along the beach and have kangeroos there

Jo said...

Happy birthday and that cake looks yummy

Radka said...

Birthday is just a number ;-), I hope you had a good one.
I love your fabric selection,

Jenny said...

Hope you enjoyed your Birthday and 2017 brings better things for you Jen

Marilyn said...

Happy belated birthday wishes and the birthday cake looked rather scrumptious too. Your selection of fabrics are beautiful, they will make a lovely quilt. Loved the applique blocks too.

Susana Laurencia said...

Happy birth day to you dear friend!
